I let some time pass from my last post, and the world changed meanwhile!
As this strangely named virus spread through the planet, even our little remote Oregonian corner was touched by worry and tensions. This thing really travels fast, and I mean the fear, more than the illness itself.

I personally found myself struggling to keep in good spirits, as I imagined my family and friends under the Italian new restrictive rules and my grandparents isolated. Some of the news from Italy really unsettled me.
It was painful, to feel the suffering, and not knowing how to help.

And them the hardness passed -with tears, and breathes, and time. And it left something new, like the big waves on the shore.

I can see now, as the precautionary measures take place across the Northwest, that people are going through similar things as my family and friends did in the last week, on eastern sides of the planet.
And I find myself supporting others who are now feeling as I felt just some days ago.
This will pass. As the message that I see coming out everywhere from Italy, in bright colored rainbows and drawings says, it’s gonna be alright.
Andrà tutto bene.

I see humor doing its magic, and creativity helping out there where other resources are cut off, like with the fantastic idea of a music-from-the-windows-and-balconies flash mob, and more other wonderful ideas budding from tiny places and restricted daily lives.
We can make things so much better just by being what we are, taking care of each other, making new things, seeing them in new ways!
That’s what is happening now everywhere, and I will try and spread it as far as I can -cause everyone of these little things is telling me, we have the resources to go through this.
We know the way to let it pass and leave good memories. It is a unique gift, it belongs to everyone of us, and it is called Imagination.
And, we are all in this together. Even though we can’t shake hands or hug for now, we are not alone.

Since here at Sitka imagination is our constant counterpart, in the next posts I am going to share with you some residents’ views and tips on how to turn around these new restricted lives, into the coolest artistic residencies you could ever dream! 🙂

I will also upload more of my music on the music page, and work on new vocal posts you will be able to listen to.
Meanwhile, I share with you the beauty of this time of year on the Northwest coast – because spring is finally here, and the ocean is awakening!

Pacific herring is coming to the shores to spawn and lay eggs, coloring the water of a stunning light blue, attracting all sorts of animals -humans included- and creating a marvelous event and gathering, that sprinkles with joy.
It is a true marvel!

Below you find a video I shot in Newport, just one hour south of Sitka, where sea lions, seagulls and harbor seals are joining the spring fever.
I hope you will enjoy it!
Meanwhile, stay safe and take care. Andrà tutto bene 🙂
My Weekly thanks 🙂
Today my Crowdfunding Campaign gets 2 weeks old, and I have got someone to thank for their generous support!!
I would like to say a big GRAZIE to CLAUDIO MURRI, to AUNTIE GRA, and to my whole FAMILY, for jumping on board of the New Worlds Project with me. Thank you for your presence and support, thank you from my heart!!
If you’d like to find out more about the New Worlds Project, please click here. If you’d like, please share the link below to family and friends!